Thursday 13 October 2016


I want to start by making an appeal to you. Please join me in reasoning out my self manufactured human relations crisis resolution thought.
Have you ever thought of relating with yourself assuming God makes exact copies of you in five human bodies? The same biological,emotional and intellectual make-up. Not even with the slightest variation. Do you think you would gel (get along) well without taking any offence at some point on yourselves . Let me reiterate by asking if some of your own flaws would get you really pissed at yourself?.Will you most likely pick quarrels at yourself when outwardly positioned in different moods simultaneously. Roll over the question in your heart and give an honest answer. I'm afraid, for me the answer would be Yes. Well justified by those moments we goof and say things like, 'my bad' or 'stupid me'. If we could objectively judge our personal actions as foolish, thereby taking offence at it. How much more a completely distinct individual, with different backgrounds, reasoning, character and emotional composition. Let's take the immediate family as an example of a place where characters are duplicated. A carbon copy of a father is created in the son and that of a mother in the daughter or even vice versa, yet that does not leave the nuclear family a free Zone of offences and misunderstanding. This candid discovery should arm us with a soft heart in promptly resolving any broken ties in our lives. Every Man is fallible. Like the saying goes, to err is human and to forgive is Divine. There are many tools in resolving crisis but we cannot rule out the instrumentality of the right usage of words in maintaining peaceful Co-existence. I have a burden in my heart. It's a wish. That all men becomes skillful in the gracious use of Words. I wish we know that there is a way to saying things (even if it's the truth ) without stirring unnecessary grudge. I agree though that somethings need to be said as they are, but not without the unspoken inaudible voice of Love. There is one that speaks as a piercing of the sword and another as a medicine to the heart. It saddens my heart to see relationships fall out, much why I pray to be a gift in reconciling broken ties, an ambassador of peace. Jesus epitomises peace and forgiveness when He said of those that crucified him, Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing. Unforgiveness they say is like drinking poison and expecting the next person to die. Don't disregard my initial appeal, think on these things and act as appropriate.